🍋The $30M hip hop legend who doesn't rap

His love for rap helped him build a multi million dollar empire.

When life gave him lemons, he made $39 million.

“Everything happens for you, it never happens to you. Always remember.”

- Cole Bennett: Age 27, CEO of “Lyrical Lemonade”

What’s poppin slime?

Zach attack is back! If you are a fan of hip hop then you’re going to love to dip your toes into this next deep dive! Today we are looking at Cole Bennett, the CEO of Lyrical Lemonade! Lyrical Lemonade.com is a multi media brand that aids in the creation of music videos, live shows, and other exclusive content specifically for underground hip hop artists.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️How Cole’s passion helped him overcome his disadvantages

✔️How guerilla marketing allowed him to make his own luck

✔️How he used his “small dreams” to get BIG results

If you are into rap then there is no doubt you have heard of the brand Lyrical Lemonade. Here are just some of Cole’s accomplishments:

Cole Bennett started Lyrical Lemonade his senior year of high school as just a small blog that talked about up and coming rap artists in Chicago.

He started to record rap concerts all around Chicago and began to get famous rappers to perform. He has worked with artists like Lil Uzi Vert, Juice Wrld, and even Eminem.

His blog and YouTube channel now bring in over 73 million views per month and his company is estimated to be worth over $39 million.

This is honestly one of the most insane stories I’ve ever heard.

My man Cole has a company that makes more money then most of the rappers he works with.

And he hasn’t written a single bar!

How did a kid from a small town in Illinois with no connections become one of hip hop’s legends?

1. His love for rap put his city on the map.

In the game of life, we all are dealt a different hand.

Some people are put in the game of life on easy mode.

And others are put in the game on the highest difficulty.

Now this fact makes a lot of people angry and some of them decide to say screw the game and not even play anymore.

Don’t be this guy!

But those people don’t understand that there is beauty in the struggle.

If you have genuine passion and put in the right amount of effort, the obstacles and setbacks will mean nothing to you.

And Cole definitely had his setbacks when he started his brand.

Cole started Lyrical Lemonade in high school because he absolutely adored rap and hip hop culture.

He states that one of his first memories was his sister getting him 50 cent’s “Get Rich Or Die Trying” album.

After he heard 50 cent’s lyrical prowess, he fell in love instantly.

He loved it so much that needed a way to express his love and passion for hip hop.

But there was one problem……..

He lived in Plano, Illinois.

Basically the middle of f****ing nowhere.

So the only way to talk to other hip hop heads was to go online.

He just started to go deeper and deeper into the hip hop rabbit hole, and found a bunch of online communities that talked about up and coming hip hop artists.

Then Cole thought that he should create an online blog of his own so that he could share his thoughts on upcoming hip hop talent.

Him and his mother thought of the name “Lyrical Lemonade”, and then Cole started writing on his blog.

Now, the amount of writing he did was honestly insane.

Cole says he would write 5 blog posts a DAY!

Since the average blog post is about 2,000 words, he could have been writing up to 10,000 words per day!

My god I hope he didn’t get carpal tunnel!

It may have seemed like a lot of work, but when you truly love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life.

All that obsessive writing and blog posting started to bring him an audience, and it allowed him to take his business to the next level.

And that was hosting rap shows himself.

The three keys to Cole’s business being successful were:

1. He chose his true passion, which made it easy for him to put in the work.

2. He promoted himself through a medium that was gaining traction at the time, which was online blogging.

3. He built an audience, which helped him get the leverage he needed to expand his business.


If you see a lot of businesses using a certain type of marketing, that is a sign that it works and that you should use a similar method. Cole saw that there were plenty of online forums and blogs that spoke about up and coming artists, so he decided to make his own.

You have to be willing to put in as much work as possible when you are just starting out. That is why it is important to start a business that you enjoy, because that will help push you to work and grow your business quickly.

It doesn’t matter where you start your business, because we have the internet that connects the world together. All you have to do is find where your ideal customer is, and give them your product.

Build a marketing channel that you own. Social media is a great way to market, but the problem is that the platform is owned by someone else, so they have control over your audience. Cole created a blog, which is a website that he owns himself, so he had full creative control on how his business ran.

Make sure to build a really robust audience. This will allow you to have the leverage for any future endeavor, because you will have the support and the platform required to take the next steps to grow your business.

Build an audience before you create your product. This way you can know if your product has potential in the marketplace.

2. He went from sitting on benches to grinding in the trenches.

So Cole was growing a gigantic following of rap lovers on his blog Lyrical Lemonade.

But he knew that he wanted to work with rappers specifically, not just talk about them on the internet.

He was brainstorming ways to grow his brand, and then he realized one thing:

He LOVED going to rap concerts.

So he wondered, “Why don’t I host a rap concert myself?”

Now, there were 3 problems with this idea, and they were:

1. There are multi million dollar booking agencies that will stop you from talking to rap artists.

2. If you do speak with the artist, they usually charge around $10,000 for a booking.

3. Renting out a concert can cost around $5,000, and that is just for a small basic venue.

And Cole was a broke high school kid with no connections.

Many people would just throw in the towel and try something else at this point.

But moments like these are when true entrepreneurs are tested.

If you are ever in a position like this, the best way to overcome it is to remember a quote by Tony Robbins, an entrepreneur who is worth over $600 million. (Click here for more on Tony’s business)

He was asked about not having enough money to start a business, and he answered:


It’s not the lack of resources, it’s your lack of resourcefulness that stops you.

Good lord those are some fire lyrics!

What Tony Robbins is saying is that if you are resourceful enough, you can find a way to reach your goals without needing money, connections, or even a proper skill set.

Cole already had this mindset, so he figured out a way to book very small shows for local artists.

Smaller artists are always looking to grow their brand, so they wouldn’t mind doing a show for free.

He found very small venues and paid them just $150.

Then he invited rap fans show up for free.

This method was genius for his brand because:

1. He was able to connect with people in person, which put a face behind his company.

2. He got to know local artists, which was the stepping stone to him meeting higher profile rappers.

As he would host these events, he would slowly get larger and larger venues.

And he would grow his network little by little.

Ultimately, his connections brought him into contact with the rapper Lil Uzi Vert.

Lil Uzi Vert may be popping now, but he was a lot smaller at the time.

Cole got into contact with Lil Uzi Vert’s team, and was able to book Uzi for $2,000.

Since he spent pretty much all of his money on the show, Cole needed this to work.

Then, two weeks before the show Lil Uzi Vert dropped his new song “Money Longer”, and it completely blew up.

Cole saw that the tickets for his venue were getting resold for $250 a pop!

That connection he made with Lil Uzi Vert and his team propelled Lyrical Lemonade into the stratosphere, and let him get in contact with other amazing artists like Wiz Khalifa, Quavo, and Juice Wrld.


There are so many different marketing strategies available today, but one strategy that will never die is in person marketing. If you have a product or service that you want to promote, try hosting a free event and get people who are interested in your product to come.

Use the “foot in the door” method when growing a business. Start with smaller clients, sell cheaper products, or provide a simple service first to build your brand reputation.

The harder you work the luckier you get. Many people might say that Cole got lucky because he booked Lil Uzi Vert 2 weeks before the song “Money Longer” blew up. But Cole had been grinding for almost a year, and he built connections that got him there. Luck is where skill and opportunity meet, and Cole was able to capitalize on that opportunity.

If you take a risk, make sure you have evidence of success in the past. Cole was booking shows left and right before Lil Uzi Vert, so he knew that this business model had potential. If you are just starting out and have no evidence of success, you might want to rethink your plan so that your risk doesn’t kill your business.

3. From baby steps to six figure checks.

Too much of anything is bad.

Even though I completely disagree with his methods, our boy Thanos had a point.

Having a balanced outlook on life is super beneficial to your success.

When people hear this, they usually think of negativity being a problem.

And I couldn’t agree more.

Nobody likes a negative Nancy.

Not even Nancy herself.

If you are dealing with someone who is negative, kick them out of your life right now.

But what most people don’t realize is that you can go too far on the other end.

Always be optimistic, but as an entrepreneur its important to have a sense of realism.

This is the mindset that Cole had when building his business, and it is why his business succeeded when most don’t.

Cole talked about how he set his goals, and he said:


All the goals I set for myself were realistic. It was just my way of never letting myself down and always being able to accomplish more.

This is the mindset that leads to millions.

You want to make sure that you make goals that are within reach because:

1. It will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment when you complete them.

2. You won’t get discouraged if you miss them.

3. It will be easier to understand larger goals when you break them down.

Another reason why setting small goals is lit is because you will get a proper dopamine rush that will help propel you forward.

Dopamine is the chemical in our head that makes us happy and feel good.

And your brain will force you to do things that spike your dopamine, no matter what it is.

That’s why you can stay up all night watching Netflix even though your brain is screaming that its time to sleep.

You have to treat your success like a video game.

If you start on level one and slowly increase, you are going to reach new challenges that will compel you to try harder and improve your company.

Another reason I love Cole’s mindset is because he is very risk averse, which shows how humble he is.

His mindset is the same reason as to why Cole didn’t leave college immediately after starting his brand.

Even though its cool and trendy to drop out of college and start business, Cole set a list of goals to hit and only left when he exceeded them.


Mindset when you start your business is everything. You have to be optimistic and believe in yourself, but always make sure to stay realistic so that you don’t get discouraged if you miss your goals.

Don’t put a timeline on your goals. When you tell yourself “I will make “X” amount of money before a certain age”, it could set you up for disappointment and cause you to quit. Focus more on the day to day tasks, and remember to enjoy the journey so that you don’t give up.

Be humble when starting your business. Humility is an attractive trait that many people respect. And remember that a business is about helping people and establishing trust, so if you stay humble and provide great value your fans will love you.

Always figure out how to give more then you take. This will show people that you truly care and in turn people will continue doing business with you.

5 young entrepreneurs to inspire you:

Click to check out their website!

1. Pavel Dlerr: Age 27, CEO of The Culted (Net worth: $1 million)

2. Oladosu Teyibo: Age 29, CEO of Analog Team (Net worth: $1.2 million)

3. Travis Chen: Age 23, CEO of Sound Mind (Net worth: $3 million)

4. Hogoè Kpessou: Age 22, CEO of Hk Collections (Net worth: $2 million)

5. Nadya Okomoto: Age 25, CEO of PERIOD (Net worth: $5 million)

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

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- Zach