🤖He dropped out and made $7 billion using A.I.

He became the world's youngest billionaire before he could even rent a car.

He became a billionaire at 24 using Artificial Intelligence.

“Youth is insecurity. For this simple reason, youth can be a real advantage.”

- Alexandr Wang: Age 24, CEO of “Scale A.I.”

Hello World!🖥️

I am back with literally one of the most successful Gen Z entrepreneurs ever! This week we are going to be looking at Alexandr Wang and his company Scale AI. Scale AI is a business that labels different types of data for large corporations, so they can use that data for their artificial intelligence models efficiently.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️How understanding his market helped him find a loophole

✔️How he used the Gold Rush strategy to guarantee his success

✔️How a great product doesn’t need marketing

Alexandr’s company has become one of the largest tech companies in the world, valued at over $7 billion. This isn’t surprising though, because Alexandr has been doing big things since he was little. Here are some of his accomplishments:

While in high school, Alexandr started coding and learning about the world of technology. At only 17, he dropped out of high school and was hired to be a lead software engineer at Quora.

He started using artificial intelligence in his daily work and fell in love with it. So he went back to school, got accepted into MIT, and spoke with his coworkers about creating a business related to AI.

Scale AI now has over 500 employees, and they are working with large corporations like Toyota to help manage their artificial intelligence data on self-driving cars. They even worked with Ukraine during the Russia and Ukraine war to analyze satellite data to see how much damage had been done to certain cities in Ukraine and figure out how to repair them.

Yeah, this guy is definitely a genius.

Like, Dexter’s lab genius.

Imagine dropping out of high school at 17, and to still get accepted into MIT.

Now, it might have seemed pointless to leave school just to come back.

But this was the best thing that Alex could have done because it helped him do one thing.

It helped him completely understand how artificial intelligence works.

1. He pursued something more valuable than money.

Look, I know that we’re all just trying to make some dead presidents.

Unfortunately, many people think that money is the most important thing in life.

Even though getting some fat stacks is great, there is something much more valuable today.

And that is information.

Why do you think apps like TikTok and Facebook are always tracking what you do on your phone?

They understand that the more knowledge they have, the more money they can make.

And Alexandr acquired enough knowledge to make even Tai Lopez jealous.

Alexandr Wang was a normal kid going to high school in New Mexico.

His parents were both nuclear physicists, so I guess being smart is in his blood.

He began studying coding and computer science in high school and fell in love with it.

So he decided to do what many young, ambitious people do.

He dropped out of school.

Just like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and countless other successful entrepreneurs.

But instead of starting a business, he left school to get a job as a software engineer.

This got me thinking, why didn’t he start a business first?

Why would he leave school just to go into the corporate world?

You don’t want to be this guy!

There were 2 reasons Alex got a job before starting his company:

1. He was able to learn so much about building a great software product by working directly under a software company.

2. He had access to a community of like minded geniuses who had his same vision for building businesses.

While he was working, he was first introduced to the power of artificial intelligence.

That was around the same time that ChatGPT was announced and started to get popular.

So our boy Alex saw a once in a lifetime opportunity to build a product that could use AI to change the world.

He spent another year at his software engineering job, and then he started his company Scale AI with one of his coworkers.

And throughout all of his time at his job, he realized that artificial intelligence needs only one thing to run properly.

And that is information.

The more information AI has, the better it will work.

Make sure its the right information though!

And since so many people were trying to start a company using AI, Alex thought of something different.

He thought, “Why don’t I create a company that helps other companies use their AI, instead of just using it myself?”

And that’s when he used a strategy I like to call the “Gold Rush Strategy”.

The three keys to Alex’s business being successful were:

1. He noticed a trend in the marketplace, which was artificial intelligence companies.

2. He had a community of people who had the same goals. This allowed him to find co-founders and mentors to help him grow.

3. He completely understood his product and market, which allowed him to find a unique way to create a valuable company.


Using trends to grow a business is one of the best ways to make sure your business will succeed. If you don’t know if there is a trend in a certain marketplace, you can use websites like: Explodingtopics.com, or use Google trends.

Another way to find trends is to look at where companies are spending a lot of their money. Tech Monitor says that spending on artificial intelligence will DOUBLE to more than $300 BILLION by 2026. Click here to learn more.

Build a community of people who have the same business goals as you. This will allow you to share ideas, and when ideas are shared that is usually when innovation begins.

I suggest using one of 2 ways to build a community:

1. Create a social media presence on places like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

2. Work at a company that is in the business you are interested in.

Completely understand your market, your customer, and your business model. You don’t have to be an expert in your field to make a lot of money, but being an expert definitely helps you pass your competition.

Being an expert will also allow you to see problems in your business that others cannot see. And at its core, a business solves a problem, so if you can solve a large problem, you will make a large amount of money.

2. He sold shovels in a Gold Rush.

Social media has literally destroyed people’s attention spans.

Scientists say that humans today have an attention span worse than a goldfish.

That literally means our boy Nemo has better focus than a fully grown adult.

Ok, he’s a clown fish but you get the idea.

This lack of focus has ruined everything, including how we make money.

Because in today’s fast paced society people want to get rich quick.

Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.

…..Most of the time.

Sometimes there are opportunities that literally change the world overnight.

And that allows people to make a SH!T ton of cash very fast.

In 1815, it was the railroad.

In 2000, it was the internet.

And in 2023, the new opportunity is artificial intelligence.

Alex knew this and built his business around it.

But he built his business differently than everyone else.

He followed the advice of Samuel Brannan:

During a gold rush, sell shovels, not the gold itself.

This is a genius method that has made hundreds of millionaires.

Instead of trying to make a new business with AI, instead Alex knew that these companies would need data to run the AI.

So he built his company to help businesses organize and manage their data for their artificial intelligence models.

That was a freaking GENIUS move!

This method was genius because:

1. He would not need to create a brand new product idea using AI.

2. There was almost no risk in his business, because he could piggyback off of the success of other AI businesses.

3. Other companies would need him to run their business effectively, so his business would last for a long time.

There are plenty things that go out of business, but there is one thing that never will.

That is the business of dreams.

And no, I don’t mean Inception.

That movie was trippy AF

If you can help someone reach their dreams and their life goals, then they will definitely pay you for it.

It doesn’t have to be about business, it could literally be about anything.


When you see an opportunity, instead of taking it, think of how you can help other people take the opportunity. They will gladly pay you to help them reach their goals.

Getting rich quick usually never works because it takes a long time to build something great. However, there are moments where a large opportunity can create massive wealth.

How do you know if an opportunity is worth getting into? If you see large companies and corporations spending money on a certain field, then that is a good sign that it is a good opportunity.

3. His product pretty much sold itself.

When starting a company, you should usually have a marketing plan.

I mean, how is someone going to buy your product if they don’t know about it?

You can do many things to help spread the word about your business.

You could use social media like YouTube and TikTok.

You can send people flyers in the mail.

Or you can be like Dababy and walk around with a diaper on promoting your mix tape.

He actually did this by the way.

Don’t worry guys, you don’t need to go that far.

But having a focused marketing plan is the backbone of any great business.

Alex knew this when starting Scale AI, but he decided to use a different approach for growth.

He did 3 things to grow his business:

1. He used his network of friends and coworkers to get in the door with large companies.

2. He got investors to speak with other investors that were interested in his product.

3. He let his product do all the marketing for him.

All of these methods cost his company $0.

His method really proves the famous quote by Tim Sanders:

Your network is your net worth.

If you are able to be around smart people with a lot of money, then you are much more likely to succeed.

And Alex made sure to surround himself with entrepreneurial GODS.

He had a co-founder named Lucy Guo who dropped out of school to join the one of the highest ranked student business programs in the world, the Thiel Fellowship.

Her connections at that fellowship allowed them to get in front of very wealthy investors eager to throw money at a promising business.

They basically got a seat at the cool kids table.

Except these kids are millionaires.

Once they spoke with investors, they were able to pitch their business.

And they raised over $100 million in their round.

Many other investors saw this, and started to throw money at their company.

Pretty soon, they had over $1 billion in funding, and with their connections of investors, they began working with large corporations who need their AI data optimized.

And when companies saw the amazing job that Scale AI was doing, they all started to use their service.

Because Scale AI was getting amazing reviews from their clients.

At a certain point, Scale AI was having issues keeping up with the demand.

They were growing like wildfire.

But in a good way.

This all couldn’t have been done without building a great product first.

If Scale AI was trash, then it doesn’t matter how good the marketing for it would be.

Always remember, marketing is important, but the product is the most important.


When starting a business, make connections that will help your business grow. Find people that can either get you the money, knowledge, or connections needed to build your business. The best way to do this would be in-person networking events. If you want a co-founder, make sure that they provide value that you can’t provide yourself. Alex’s co founder Lucy had the connections he needed to help find investors.

Find high quality investors who will help you build your business along the way. If you want to find investors, apply to the top startup investment programs like Y Combinator, Tech Stars, or Sequoia Capital.

Make sure your product is the best one on the market. This will ensure that you will have customers forever. The best type of marketing is word of mouth, and word can spread quickly. Having a good product builds trust with your audience, and it allows your product to essentially market itself. I can’t stress this enough. See where your competitors are failing, and find a way to beat them.

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

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- Zach