This Guy Is The Socrates Of Building Businesses

He has the greatest mindset, and the greatest calves i've ever seen

Meet Alex Hormozi, the $100 Million, Muscular, Modern Day Mindset Master

Building a business is risky. Living paycheck to paycheck is risky. Some risks come with an upside. Others do not. Risk wisely.

- Alex Hormozi

Hey there!

Ya boi Zach is back, and this time we’re taking a look at the muscle-bound mogul, named Alex Hormozi.

Alex is a 9-figure entrepreneur and he built his businesses by first building his body. He got amazingly jacked, started his own gym, and developed his own method of getting new gym members, which he then used to help other gyms grow.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️How he followed the “Knowledge Path” that most entrepreneurs follow when starting a business

✔️How he marketed his gym business different from every other business model out there

✔️How f***ing analytical his mind is, and why that leads to his success in almost every business he starts

Now, I want you guys to grasp just how insane his business is, so let’s look at some of his numbers and accomplishments:

At the age of 25, Alex Hormozi was over $150,000 in debt while trying to build his own gym. 2 years later he had a net worth of over $3,000,000.

Today, he is worth over $100 million and has built 5 different successful startups from scratch in under 5 years.

He amassed a following of over 1.4 million YouTube subscribers in under one year, and he produces over 100 pieces of content per DAY across TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Bro, I feel out of breath just writing all of that, good God.

Now this may seem like a lot, and trust me it is. But how he started his business is actually very simple. He used a method I like to call “The Knowledge Path”

1. How he did it:

So you guys can see that Alex Hormozi is nothing short of a beefcake.

I mean just look at those calves, am I right?

But he wasn’t always this jacked. No one is.

It takes hard work, dedication, and a specific plan to build an amazing body. And every trainer has a different plan because every body is different.

So he created a plan to build an amazing body, and he got insane results from it.

Now I want you to realize something here, Alex has done something amazing by getting jacked.

And it’s not the fact that he got jacked.

It’s the fact that he learned a high-value skill.

A high-value skill is a skill or trade that can help someone reach a very specific goal.

It doesn’t have to be getting in shape, it could be making more money, getting healthier, landing your dream job, or starting a family.

Or you can even be a master of memes.

Literally, I’m not joking, you can get paid over $80,000 a year with a job titled “Meme Lord”.

Isn’t life just so beautiful and crazy at the same time?

So don’t think that the skills you have are not good enough.

If a skill provides a lot of value to a lot of different people, it is a high-level skill.

And once you have a high-level skill, the best way to start a business is to teach other people that skill.

So guess what Alex did next?

He built his own gym teaching people how to get in shape as well.


Before starting a business, think of a skill that you have. If you don’t know, think of something that you already do during your leisure time.

Ask yourself, “Could this be valuable to someone? Could it help them make more money, improve their health, or improve their happiness?”

Once you master that skill, your next step should be teaching others how to use that skill to help them.

You can build a large community of people, and that’s when you can reach a point of making millions of dollars.

2. What he did differently with his company:

The main business that made Alex Hormozi his $100 million fortune was a company called Gym Launch.

The business was very simple, and that’s probably why it succeeded so quickly.

Gym Launch helps gym owners get more customers through marketing.

Now back in 2016, many gyms around the world had no idea how to market their gyms effectively on social media.

Alex Hormozi saw this, and he realized that so many gym owners were not taking advantage of a marketing strategy that was overlooked at the time.

And that was Facebook Advertising.

In 2016, if you knew how to advertise on Facebook, people would basically be breaking down your door and begging you to take their money.

Using Facebook Ads is how he grew his own gym from $0 to $200,000 a month in less than 5 months.

So, he continued using the “Knowledge Path” business model and taught other people around him how to grow their businesses.

Now this worked for a while, but Alex made a big oopsie.

Him and his wife would fly to every gym that paid for their help and gave them guidance in person.

The problem with that model is that there was a limit to how many people they could help, and in turn that puts a cap on how much money they could make.

Alex himself mentions how he would go days without sleep because he would be traveling with his wife to a new gym every other day.

So what did he do instead?

He packaged all of the knowledge he had in growing a gym into a program and he then sold it at a massive scale to gym owners across the world.

Doing this allowed him to separate his time from the business and removed the limiter on how much money he could make.


1. Figure out a way to separate the amount of work you do from the amount of money you make.

Many people think that putting in more hours will equal more money.

And while that may be true to some degree, your goal should be to not have to actively work in your business for your business to grow.

2. Don’t be afraid to try new methods.

One of the best ways to grow quickly in a field is to be one of the first people in the field.

We saw that Alex was the first person to figure out the effectiveness of Facebook advertising specifically for gym owners.

And that made sure that there was no competition for him.

So trying new things will always give you a chance to be a pioneer in your field!

(10 points if you get the reference!)

3. Alex’s Mindset for success

OK, I am gonna be honest with you guys.

I’ve never seen anyone closer to a f***ing robot than Alex Hormozi.

The way this guy thinks about optimizing everything in his life is kind of insane, and almost neurotic.

Let me give you guys an example of what I mean.

First, let’s look at a picture of Alex.

Seems like something normal and not too special right?

Well, Alex says that he dresses like this almost every day because he has an entire system behind clothing.

1. He says he always wears a white tank top as a base, even in business meetings, because it allows him to always be ready to go to the gym.

2. He wears a flannel over the tank top to look somewhat professional, but also so that he is prepared for every climate. If it’s cold, roll down your sleeves. If it’s too hot roll them up. If it’s really cold button up all the way, and if it’s really hot just take it off.

3. He wears Crocs because they have two settings. You could slip them on with the ankle strap up, and if you need to run you can put the ankle strap down for maximum mobility.

Well dang…

I have never seen someone so analytical with just choosing an outfit for the day.

And that is with everything he does in his life.

Another huge thing about Alex is that he completely takes away his emotions and feelings when making any decision.

He completely optimizes all of the energy he has into only the things that matter.

He was asked on a podcast one time “If a waiter comes and brings you the wrong food, would you tell them?”

Alex responded “I wouldn’t even care enough to have an emotion. That would literally have no effect on my day. Most things that people think are inconveniences really aren’t worth it.”

And that is my favorite trait about Alex.

He truly has one of the most efficient mindsets of any entrepreneur I have seen, and he truly practices the concept of stoicism.


Don’t spend too much energy on things that don’t really matter.

Remember to be able to detach yourself from the outcome and your current emotions, so that you can make the most intelligent decision, and make the best out of any situation.

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

Thank you for reading as always!

- Zach