đź“™He made $1 million "stealing" from ChatGPT

He used a cheat code to make $1 million before he could even drink a beer

This 20-year-old makes $1 million a year selling books written by ChatGPT.

“Drop-shipping made millionaires, and now AI is making millionaires.”

- Joe Popelas: Age 20, CEO of “AI Publisher Pro”

How’s it hangin?

You’re favorite business boy is back with an entrepreneur who is using artificial intelligence to create generational wealth! This week we are looking at Joe Popelas and his company where he sells online books that he makes using ChatGPT.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️Why physical products suck, and what to sell instead

✔️How he used the “blue ocean strategy” to market his product


Joe was 20 years old when he started selling e-books he made through ChatGPT. He was a computer science student in college and worked as a developer for ChatGPT and Open AI. A lot of people saw this and asked him questions about how ChatGPT works.

So many people were hitting him up for advice that he started to charge people $100 to $200 just to ask him about ChatGPT! He then met with a book publishing company, and they told him that they were bringing in $2,000,000 a month just from selling physical books! 🤯

Joe saw the crazy potential in selling books and decided to combine his ChatGPT skills with a book publishing company. He was able to make over 40 books in just one month using ChatGPT!! He then marketed and sold them through Pinterest.com, and in just one year his company generated over $930,000!!

Dude, this kid is a genius.

He can’t even buy a drink yet, but he could buy a Ferrari.

I freaking love the internet.

One of the main reasons his company grew so fast is that he didn’t sell a physical product.

All of the books he sells are completely digital.

1. He started making some paper without printing any paper.

Everybody today is lazy AF.

Nobody wants to work to do anything.

I’m not hating on anyone either, I’m the same way.

I’m just kinda worried that one day we will all end up like those guys from Wall-E.

But being lazy has its benefits.

Why work harder than you have to?

In business, the goal is to get the most amount of work done with the least amount of effort.

And that’s exactly how my boy Joe made a $1 million business in just 6 months.

Joe was a broke computer science student stocking shelves at a shoe store.

He was able to work with ChatGPT directly for a summer to learn more about how it worked.

This was when everyone thought that robots and artificial intelligence were going to destroy the world.

Because of all the hype, people started blowing up Joe’s phone.

Local companies and entrepreneurs wanted the inside scoop on ChatGPT.

One of those companies was a book publishing company.

They met with Joe, and what they told him almost gave him a heart attack.

They said that they were making over $2,000,000 a month selling books!!

Good lord!

They were literally printing paper to get to the paper.

I didn’t know that many people liked to read, and neither did Joe.

After that, Joe knew that he wanted to start a book brand.

But there was one problem…

Making physical books is really hard.

But Joe had the skill of using ChatGPT.

So he thought, “Why don’t I use ChatGPT to write e-books online?”

That is when he started to build his first book for his online book brand.

And the best part is that these books are digital.

Which means he didn’t have to spend ANY money on creating the physical book itself.

So this is how Joe creates an online book using ChatGPT:

1. First, he finds a topic that he could write an entire book about. To make sure that the topic has a lot of interest in it, he uses a website called Semrush.com. This website lets you see how much traffic a certain topic online is getting, which helps confirm if the book will have a lot of potential readers.

2. Second, he uses something called GPT-3 Playground which is basically an advanced level of ChatGPT that you can pay for. There, he tells GPT-3 to write him an outline of each chapter of the book, and then he expands on certain topics himself to give his writing a human feel. Click here to check out GPT-3 Playground.

3. He then uses Adobe Photoshop to design the book cover and the logo for his book brand. If you want a free way to design a book cover, you can go to Canva.com 

The two keys to Joe’s business being successful were:

1. He sells digital books instead of physical books. This means that he does not have to worry about holding inventory, and he doesn’t have to spend any money on shipping.

2. He brought new technology to an old business. After he saw the publishing company making $2,000,000, he knew that the market was validated, and he found a way to completely automate his work by using artificial intelligence.

Takeaway and Tips:

Selling a physical product SUCKS. If you can, find a way to make the product you sell a digital product. A digital product is something people pay for that is not physical. This can be an online book, an online website template, or even an online course. Digital products are better because you can sell as many as you want, you never have to ship them to your customers, and you spend almost no money on developing them.

Adding new technology to an old business model is the best way to create value. Joe knew that ChatGPT would make his writing process 10X faster, which would destroy his competition. Find a way to use new technology like AI or social media to improve an old business model.

Use knowledge as your unfair advantage. When Joe was first using ChatGPT, he would charge people money for his advice and expertise on ChatGPT. If you have a special skill or knowledge that other people want to know, find a way to monetize it, because knowledge is something that will never go out of business.

2. He marketed where nobody thought to market.

So after just a couple of months, my boy Joe had over 40 books written by ChatGPT!

That’s more books and knowledge than the legend Tai Lopez!

So after he made all of these books, it was time to start marketing.

Now, marketing is what can make or break your business.

The most important rule of marketing is to understand your customer.

You have to know what your customer needs to make their lives better.

And you also have to know where to find them.

The more you focus on the customer, the better.

My dawg Patrick got the right idea!

This is where Joe made a big brain play.

Joe’s books were marketed towards older women.

You would think that Joe would create a TikTok or a YouTube channel to market his books…

But he didn’t.

He marketed using Pinterest.

Now, Pinterest is a much less popular website to market on.

Everybody and their mother wants to start a TikTok.

But no one wants to start a Pinterest page.

Joe was a trendsetter!

This may sound like it wouldn’t work, but it was actually brilliant.

This method was genius for his brand because:

1. There was almost no competition. This meant that he didn’t have to spend much money before seeing a return in his business.

2. His main audience was using Pinterest. Over 76% of Pinterest’s users are women, and 58% of them are between 18 and 24. This meant that it was easy to market to his audience because almost all of Pinterest was his target audience.

This marketing strategy grew his book brand to over $2,000 a day in profit!

Joe didn’t know it at the time, but the method he used had a name.

It’s called “The Blue Ocean Strategy.”

This method explains that you should start a business in a field where you can dominate the market.

And the best way to dominate the market is to have no competition.

Takeaway and Tips:

The best way to market to your audience is to understand what your audience wants. Remember, people only buy things to make their lives better, so tell your customers how your product will improve their lives.

Try to take an old marketing strategy and put it into an untapped medium. Joe’s marketing worked so well because almost no one was marketing on Pinterest then. This made it super easy to sell his product to his audience.

Make sure your advertisements don’t look like advertisements. When Joe marketed his books on Pinterest, he made sure his website looked very similar to Pinterest’s website. He also made sure that the pictures he used for his advertisements had similar color, style, and dimensions to the most popular Pinterest posts in his niche.

How to start a business just like this one

1. First you need to choose a topic to write your book about. The best way to do this is to use either Semrush or Google Trends to see if the topic you want to write about has potential. You could also look at the top-selling books on Amazon in your niche to reference and grab ideas from.

Click here to go to Semrush.com
Click here to Google Trends.com
Click here to see the top-selling Amazon books

2. Next you need to create the books themselves. Use GPT-3 playground and ChatGPT to create the content. First, ask GPT-3 playground to write out a list of chaprs that you could use for your book. For example, if your book is about learning how to skateboard, ask GPT3-Playground to write a “chapter outline for a book on how to skateboard.” Then, once you get an outline ask GPT-3 to write 3000 words for each chapter summarizing each topic. Once you have around 20,000 words, take all of the words and put them into a Word document. Use Canva or Photoshop to design your book cover.

3. Next you need to create a website for your book. I suggest using either Shopify or Whop to create your website for your book. You need a landing page, a home page, and a checkout page. When you create your ad, send your traffic directly to your landing page. Your landing page will explain your book and its benefits to your customers.

4. Next you need to market your product. I suggest using one of these three websites, Pinterest Ads, TikTok Ads, or Facebook Ads. You want to link your website to these ads

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Thank you for reading as always!

- Zach