🍫He made $11 million selling s*x chocolate

Meet the 21 year old adult version of Willy Wonka.

This 21-year-old made $11 million selling chocolate you eat before sex.

“The power of the brand is where your customer lives, breathes and dies for your sh!t.”

- Oliver Brocato: Age 21, CEO of “Tabs”

Hello everyone!

Let’s take a bite at this entrepreneur’s sweet business! This week we are taking a look at Oliver Brocato and his business, Tabs Chocolate. Tabs is a company that sells chocolate that couples eat to get them ready for the bedroom.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️How he gave his first customers an “emotional razzle”

✔️How he hacked TikTok to get unlimited marketing


Oliver started Tabs Chocolate when he was just 19 years old. His friend was in the bathroom watching TikTok videos when he saw someone reviewing a chocolate bar for couples to eat before sex. The video had 8 million views in just 24 hours.

When they both saw the product, they knew that it had the potential to go viral. They tried to find the product online, but they didn’t have a website or any social media at all. They knew that their competitors sucked at marketing, so they decided to create a similar product and take over the market.

It took Oliver and his team over 1 year to develop the product, but it was definitely worth it. They completely sold out their entire inventory just 3 days after launching, and in their first month, they made over $280,000! After the first month, Oliver used a secret hack with TikTok marketing to grow the business to over $11 million in yearly sales!

Dude this is the craziest product I’ve ever seen in my life.

Sex chocolate! Who would have thought?

Well, Oliver did.

And he knew that this product would work because of one thing….

This product is controversial AF.

1. He made viewers feel an emotion.

Do you guys ever scroll Instagram or TikTok endlessly at night?

Come on, don’t lie to me, I know you do.

Look, I’m not judging you…..

Well maybe a little.

But the reason why everyone is scrolling on social media all day is because we are addicted.

Our brains are wired to stay up to keep getting that sweet dopamine.

And then we complain about being too tired in the morning.

Because everyone is constantly scrolling, it’s really hard to get their attention.

So if you are selling a product online, you have to get people’s attention.

And that’s exactly what my boy Oliver did with his product, Tabs.

Oliver was in college with his friend just chilling in his dorm room.

His friend was in the bathroom when he saw a video of this girl eating chocolate and reviewing it.

But not just any chocolate, this was chocolate for “after-hours activities”.

Now when you first hear about a product like this, it strikes an emotion.

You might think it’s weird, you might think it’s cool, or you might think it’s gross.

But one thing is for sure, it catches your attention.

And that is what “emotional razzle” is.

You want your product to strike an emotion in your audience, whether good or bad.

And the video they watched had over 8 million views in just 24 hours!

That was a huge sign that the product had potential.

Oliver and his friend saw this product and were immediately fascinated.

They thought that the idea was genius, so they started researching their competitors.

They tried going to their website.

But they didn’t have one.

So they tried to see if they had any social media pages.

Still no…

Then they went to Amazon to see if they could find the product.

And there were no results.

It was like no one knew this product existed.

This product was like…

And Oliver knew that if this product went viral once, it could go viral again.

So this is how Oliver developed his product and his packaging:

1. To create the chocolate, he went on Google and searched “chocolate manufacturer in the United States.” He found a bunch of phone numbers and started calling each of them to design the chocolate.

2. For his packaging, he used a website called Canva.com to create a rough draft, and then he sent the design to a professional packaging designer to create 3D prototypes. Then he took those prototypes to a manufacturer to create at a large scale.

3. The chocolate has supplements that stimulate the customer, and he had to find another manufacturer to send those ingredients over to the original chocolate manufacturer to combine all the ingredients.

As a result of all his hard work, the product ended up having a nice-looking high-quality design.

The three keys to Oliver’s business being successful were:

1. He chose a product that would shock and interest people on social media.

2. His product had almost no competition, and the only competition he had was terrible marketing, so he had an advantage.

3. Building his product took a lot of time and a lot of money (almost $30,000) so that ensures that there won’t be many competitors who could try to take a piece of his business.

Takeaway and Tips:

When choosing a product to sell online, find a product that is unique. If you sell a product that is super easy to find, then your customer would rather go on Amazon to buy it instead of buying it from you. Sell a product that your customer couldn’t get anywhere else.

A great sign that your product has potential is low competition. Oliver didn’t come up with his product idea himself, he saw someone who was already selling it and found ways to improve it and take over the market. Your product idea doesn’t matter, if you can build a product and improve on your competition somehow, whether that’s price or marketing strategy, you will crush your competition.

When building a business, make sure to create a moat around it. This means to make it difficult for your competitors to copy you. This could be by lowering your price, creating patents so that no one can sell a product similar to yours, or spending a lot of money on your product that your competition doesn’t have. Oliver chose a business that needed A LOT of capital to start, so that made sure that competitors would have a tough time recreating his product.

2. He had marketing Rizz.

TikTok is legit the weirdest app ever.

Nobody understands it, but for some reason everyone is on it.

And there are kids making multi million dollar companies for no reason.

Like, this guy makes millions on TikTok just because he is extra thick.

With TikTok, anyone can go viral.

And Oliver created a formula to make sure his chocolate was seen by millions.

Oliver didn’t have a large social media following, but he did run a business on TikTok before.

So he understood the concept of creating “UGC”.

UGC stands for User Generated Content.

This is when you pay someone else to create organic content using your product.

This method is so much better then paying for a regular online advertisement because of one reason….

It looks authentic.

It doesn’t look a scammy advertisement or commercial, because the viewers trust the influencer they are watching.

happy homer simpson GIF

Yea don’t be this guy

So Oliver started reaching out to large influencers on TikTok and Instagram to promote his product.

Once they accepted, he would send them the product to make videos with.

After the influencers posted the videos, Oliver would then do something genius.

He would read the comments in each video, and whenever someone asked a question about the product, he would create a video answering the question, and he would link his own video in the comments.

This method was genius for his brand because:

1. It showed his customers that he really cared about their concerns because he would answer them directly.

2. He would never run out of content to post on his company page, because people would constantly ask questions about his business.

3. Since he linked his own video from the large influencer’s video, it would send people to his company TikTok page and absolutely blow it up, allowing him to post organically and grow his business.

With this method, he was able to sell out all of his product in just one week!

My boy could buy a brand new range rover in just one week!

Takeaway and Tips:

When marketing your business, instead of using traditional ads, try influencer marketing. It is one of the best ways to create trust with your brand by using someone else’s following. You can also create user generated content to make your advertisements seem more authentic and relatable. You can find influencers who create UGC videos on websites like Fiverr.com. Click here to see more.

Make sure to create a company social media account where people can find out more information on your brand. When you consistently post about your brand, it build trust in your potential customers.

The number one thing that will grow your business is trust. If customers don’t trust you they will never give you their money. You can build trust by being responsive to your customers questions and actively engaging with them on social media. Remember, treat your business like a community!

How to start a business just like this one

1. First you need to find someone to make the food product for you. Some companies that can do that for you are the Blommer Chocolate Company, TruFood Manufacturing, and Dream Chocolate Manufacturing.

2. Next you need a website to sell your product. You can use a website called Shopify to start designing your website, and link people from your advertisements to the website.

3. Next you need to market your product. If you would like to do influencer marketing, you should start with small creators who can promote your brand for a cheaper price. Email or DM small creators to ask how much an ad will cost. You can use websites like Social blade to analyze each influencer’s stats to see if they could help your brand grow.

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

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- Zach