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  • 🍺He makes $2 million a month keeping your beer cold

🍺He makes $2 million a month keeping your beer cold

This guy is stopping every frat party's worst nighmare, warm beer.

His fear of warm beer made him $36 million at age 21.

“I’ve always wanted to build something real and see the impact that it had, that’s the best feeling in the world.”

- Dylan Jacob: Age 29, CEO of Brumate


Hey everyone! Here’s a new, ice-cold business story coming to ya straight from the cooler! This week we are looking at Dylan Jacob and his business Brumate. Brumate is a brand that sells drink wear to keep your beverages cool, specifically alcoholic beverages.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️How Dylan turned a simple idea into a money-printing machine

✔️How Dylan used “Buffet Marketing” to optimize his business

✔️How he built a brand instead of just a product

Dylan and his company have absolutely destroyed the drink-wear game in such a short amount of time! Here are just some of Dylan’s accomplishments:

Dylan started Brumate at the ripe age of 21. He started 3 companies before Brumate in high school, and he was able to sell his second business for over $100,000. He even sold his 3rd business to his own Dad!

Dylan was sipping a warm beer at a party when he wanted to find a way to keep it cold. He designed a prototype of a beer can sleeve and sold some of his designs to a local retail store. Once they were on the shelves, they sold out almost immediately.

Knowing the potential, Dylan invested $15,000 into getting the patents and licenses needed to produce his product. Brumate is now making over $2,500,000 a month, and has over 50 employees!

Goodness gracious, he’s making over $2 million a MONTH?!

That number is insane to me.

That’s like 10 Lamborghinis a month!

Or about 2 million McChickens…..

The idea of keeping your drink cool isn’t a new one.

So how did Dylan create generational wealth with this idea?

1. His mission had pretty much no competition.

I’m sorry guys, but you have been lied to your whole life.

Big Foot is not real.

Victoria has no secret.

And in business, competition is NOT always a good thing.

Let me let that sink in.

Sad Sponge Bob GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

You have probably heard that competition is good because it proves that there is a demand for a certain product.

While that might be true, there is something even better than competition.

And that is controlling the ENTIRE market.

The people who make the most money in business are people who you have no choice but to buy from.

Think about it, when was the last time you bought from a website that’s not Amazon?

I guarantee you can barely remember.

That’s because Amazon dominates the online e-commerce space.

And Dylan found a way to take over the drink-wear space.

The idea for Brumate came when Dylan was at a Christmas party in 2015.

He left his drink alone for just 15 minutes, and when he returned he took a sip and was disgusted.

The beer was already warm and old.

Nobody likes drinking a warm beer, so he thought, “What if I could make this into a business?”

So Dylan went home and Googled “beer can cooler sleeve.”

And there were no results.

There were sleeves for things like coffee mugs and water bottles, but not for beer specifically.

This confirmed that his idea had potential, so he started creating his first prototype.

Dylan did some basic rough draft sketches for his first prototype, and then he sent those sketches to a local engineer to actually create it.

Once the engineer made his first prototype, he 3D printed some more of them, and he went to a local brewery in his town to pitch them his product.

But Dylan did something that was absolutely genius.

He sold his product to the local brewery BEFORE ordering his product in bulk.

Instead, he showed them a Photoshop draft that his engineer made for him.

And it worked!

They bought a small number of units, and Dylan used that money to create his first batch of prototypes.

When they were made and put on the shelves, people absolutely loved them!

With all this great feedback, Dylan knew he had a winner on his hands and he moved to stage two, which was growing the brand.

The three keys to Dylan’s business being successful were:

1. He chose a product that had virtually no competition, so when people saw his product they knew it wasn’t available anywhere else.

2. His business idea was VERY simple, and it solved a problem that a lot of people have.

3. He removed his risk by getting customer feedback before going all in.


When starting your business, your idea doesn’t have to be too complicated. In fact, the simpler you can make your business the better. Dylan just wanted to find an easier way to keep your alcohol cold, and he scaled that to a million-dollar business.

When building your product, it’s always good to find experts to help build your product to make it more substantial. Instead of just designing the product himself, Dylan consulted an engineer who could take his complete vision and turn it into a reality.

When starting your business, if you see no competition, that can be a great sign. You want to get into a market that you can completely dominate because that is when you can work on improving your product and branding. However, for your first business it may be good to have a small amount of competition to prove the market.

Validate your product before going all in. You don’t want to lose all of your money on something that has not been proven yet. That’s why it’s good to have a trial run and make an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) so you can see if your customers like your product.

2. He wasn’t afraid to try new things.

Have you guys ever been to a buffet?

You know, those places where you pay just $20 bucks and you can have all you can eat.

If you’re on a budget and just need to survive they are one of the best options for dinner.

Just make sure you don’t eat yourself into a coma.

The main reason why we love buffets is because we can try so many different things at once.

Dylan knew this and decided to take the concept of a buffet, and use it to market his business.

“Buffet Marketing” means that you try many different marketing strategies and stick to the one that works the best.

So Dylan started marketing on basically every platform out there.

He first started on Kickstarter.com, which is a website that lets people donate to help your business grow.

And that didn’t do so well..

So he tried doing giveaways for his product.

Still no one bought anything…

Then he tried to pay Instagram and TikTok influencers to promote his product.

And what did the viewers say?

So after losing thousands of dollars in marketing, Dylan was able to finally find some success.

Facebook advertising was bringing him a few customers here and there.

And the best part was that this was all from cold traffic.

”Cold Traffic” identifies customers who you have never marketed to before.

Warm traffic refers to customers who you have already marketed to before.

So getting people who you marketed to only once to buy your product is a great sign!

Once he saw what was working, he decided to double down on it.

Through his Facebook marketing, he was able to figure out his ideal customer’s age, gender, and their interests so he could draft a specific marketing plan.

He then grew his marketing team to over 7 people that create marketing campaigns all over Facebook, Instagram, Google Adwords, Snapchat, Pinterest, and even Bing!

And since he knew his target audience, he was able to get a 4X ROAS! (Return On Ad Spend)

Basically, for every dollar he put into his business, he would get 4 back.

He was literally printing money.

He also used a secret hack to get potential customers to see his brand multiple times.

He used something called “Ad Re-targeting”.

This method allows you to market to someone who has seen your website and brand, but has NOT bought a product from you yet.

This is super powerful because you can consistently get in front of your customers until they buy from you.

Now this method started to take Dylan’s business to over $1,000,000 a month.

But there is one thing that has the potential to take his business to over $12,000,000 a month.

And that is branding.


There is no one perfect marketing strategy for every business. Every business is different, so its important to try many different marketing methods to see what works for you.

Make sure to build trust with your customer. How you do that is by constantly showing up in front of them over and over again. The more people see you, the more likely they will buy from you. Think about it, you trust brands like Toyota and Lysol because they constantly show ads promoting their products.

Once you see a small sign of success, focus on that part specifically. The one thing that kills most businesses is lack of focus, so make sure to focus on whats working and cut out everything else that’s not.

3. He became the “Nike” of drink wear.

No one likes a scammer.

People usually have a gut feeling when dealing with someone who is untrustworthy.

So building trust in a business is the most important thing when starting one.

And the best way to build trust is to have great business branding.

Branding is simply how you promote your business.

And you need to make sure that when you promote your business that you do 2 things:

1. You build a long lasting relationship with your customers.

2. Build a company culture.

And Dylan did this super well.

Building a long lasting relationship with your customers seems difficult, but its actually very simple.

What Dylan did was he started gathering his customer’s emails.

He did this because he knew that:

1. He could market to them FOREVER.

2. Email marketing is pretty much free.

He says that email marketing makes up about 20% of their monthly revenue.

And instead of spending money on advertising, sending an email is

So he sends his customers on the email list exclusive discounts, interesting blog posts, and other tips that add value and help grow his brand.

Having this email list also brings in repeat customers, which is the backbone of any good business.

Think about it, its easier to get someone to buy from you again instead of buying from you the first time right?

The next thing Dylan did right was build a company culture.

This means he made a set of values and principles that align with his business.

Doing this will get people to live, breathe, and die for your brand.

Take a look at Nike.

Their slogan is “Just Do It.”

Its not “Just Do It Later I Guess.”

Nike wants their customers to feel like winners, and winners just get sh!t done.

And Brumate made a shift to their culture that blew up their revenue.

In the beginning, Brumate was used only for parties and events.

But Dylan realized that his products can be used anywhere, even when you are in your own house.

So they shifted their marketing to appeal to at home drinkers, and it took their business to the next level.

This shift could allow their business to take over the entire drink-wear market and become a true household name.


Make sure you have lifetime long customers who love you and your brand. When you build a relationship with your customers, your business will never die.

Make sure to capture the emails of your customers. For every one dollar a company spends on email marketing, they get $40 back.

Once you take over a small market in your business, remember to expand your audience so you can capture new markets and grow your empire.

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

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- Zach