✍🏽He makes $2.3 million writing like a 4th grader

He gets to the paper by writing words...on paper.

This 21-year-old made $2.3 million with a skill called “Copywriting.”

“It doesn’t matter how much you read. Nothing will prepare you for the work more than doing the work.”

- Cardinal Mason: Age 21, CEO of “Copy MBA”

Hey guys!

Like the Terminator, I’m back! This week we are going to take a look at Cardinal Mason, and how he made over $2.3 million with a skill called Copywriting. Copywriting is when you get paid by clients to write marketing material for companies. They can be emails, websites, or even letters in the mail!

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️Why you freelancing is the BEST for beginners

✔️How he used the “Lego method” to expand his business


Cardinal was just 21 when he started copywriting. At the time, he was working in a salad restaurant as a server while in college. While scrolling through the internet, he saw someone talk about the opportunity of copywriting. Instantly he fell in love and dropped out of college to pursue being a full-time copywriter.

When starting to find a client, Cardinal was worried that it would take him years to find one. But he was able to find his first client within 30 days through cold emailing 65 people! Within his first month, he was able to close 2 clients and was bringing in $4500 a month in profit!

Over the next year, Cardinal started closing clients like crazy, and eventually, he was bringing in over $40,000 a month in revenue! But he had a problem, all of these clients took up most of his time. He decided to create an agency to hire other copywriters to work under him, and he also created an online course teaching others how to do copywriting. These companies started to feed into each other, and after launching his course he made over $1,000,000 in just 96 days!

My boy Cardinal is a millionaire, and he can’t even rent a car yet!

This shows that with business today, anything is possible.

I love his story specifically because it proves one thing.

You don’t need money to start a business.

Cardinal spent $0 on getting his first copywriting clients.

All he had was a little bit of skill.

And A LOT of hustle.

1. He made money with 0 risk.

I’m sure you guys know Shark Tank.

That’s the show where people beg millionaires to give them money to grow their businesses.

Please give me money for my business🥹

I have a love-hate relationship with that show tbh.

On one hand, it’s pretty inspiring to see so many different success stories.

But I have one HUGE problem with the show.

My problem is that the show makes you think you need millions to start a business.

That is total BS.

You don’t need money, connections, or even a website to make the moolah.

The one thing you need to start a business is a high-income skill.

That is a skill that people are willing to pay you thousands to do.

And who knew you could get paid to write words?

My boy Spongebob had the “write” idea!

Well, my boy Cardinal knew.

Cardinal was just a broke college student at 21 working in a restaurant.

While serving salads, Cardinal didn’t know what he wanted to do.

And he also had one problem.

He was lazy AF.

He never wanted to start a business and didn’t have any motivation.

But that all changed when he scrolled through Twitter and saw someone explain what copywriting was.

Cardinal fell in love with the idea, especially because of one fact.

Copywriting is COMPLETELY free to start.

You don’t need to spend a dime on advertising, buying products, or investing in real estate.

All you need to do is find someone who needs your services and get them to pay you.

This business model is called “freelancing.”

So my boy Cardinal researched like a madman.

He would go on YouTube, listen to podcasts, and read books to learn the skill of copywriting.

After 3 months, he became a God at copywriting and began hunting for clients.

He thought that it would take him a year to get his first client.

But Cardinal had W rizz, so he was able to close 2 clients in his first month!

This brought him $4,500 a month in revenue!

So this is how Cardinal got his first couple of clients in 3 weeks:

1. He would “cold email” potential clients. Cold emailing is when you send an email to someone who you think needs your services, and convince them to hire you. If you want a template to help you write better cold emails, click here.

2. He also “cold-DMed” people on Twitter. This is similar to cold emails, except you direct message people on Twitter who might be interested in your services. If you want a great cold DM script, click here.

3. He also used a website called Fiverr.com. Fiverr is a website that connects freelance work with potential clients.

The three keys to Cardinal’s business being successful were:

1. His business is service-based, so he didn’t need to spend any money to get it started.

2. His income was consistent because he would charge his clients every month for his services, which made it stable.

3. Copywriting is a skill that every business needs, so it will never become outdated. Every business needs marketing to get more customers, so if you can write to create their marketing material, you will get paid for it.

Takeaway and Tips:

The best business to start when you are a beginner is a business that you need $0 to start. That is why starting a service-based business is perfect, or “freelancing”. Find a skill that you love to do, and charge people for it. It could be copywriting, website design, artwork, or even being a personal trainer. For a list of the top 145 service-based businesses, click here.

Make sure to start a business where people are already spending money. Copywriting is great because most companies already have a marketing budget, and they are willing to spend a lot of money to get clients. Writing for a company’s marketing material can increase how many clients they get, or how many products they sell, which means they can pay you even more if you provide great results.

2. He stacked his businesses like Legos.

I may be a 25-year-old man, but one thing will never change.

I f***ing love Legos.

They are such a simple concept that has existed for years.

But for the love of God please don’t step on one.

Not only are Legos awesome, but they are a good way to look at building a business.

Because they perfectly outline the method I like to call “wealth stacking.”

Wealth stacking is the natural progression most entrepreneurs go through that exponentially increases their income.

There are 3 levels of business that every entrepreneur must go through to build an empire:

1. Doing the business or service yourself. This method pays you the least.

2. Hiring someone to do the work for you. This method pays you more.

3. Teaching other people how to do the business or service. This method pays you the most.

Cardinal understood that he wanted to expand his business, but he couldn’t just get more clients forever.

So he needed a way to get other people to work for him.

That is when he created his copywriting agency.

This is where he hired copywriters to do the work under him.

Then he could sit back and collect those juicy checks from his clients.

This method helped his company reach over $48,000 a month!

That is a boatload of money, but there is one business that helped him reach millionaire status.

He sold an online course teaching people how to do copywriting.

Now THIS is where he really got to the bag.

This method was genius for his brand because:

1. When selling an online course, you only have to create it once, and you can sell it an infinite amount of times after, so there is no limit to the income you can make.

2. He had amazing results as a copywriter, so he was able to use those results as proof that his online course works.

Cardinal marketed his online course business by posting on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok by giving people copywriting tips.

By creating his content, he was able to make over $1,000,000 in just 96 days!

Takeaway and Tips:

It has literally never been easier to market your business today. Use social media like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok to promote a product that you are selling.

Build businesses that complement each other, so that they can eventually market each other. When Cardinal built his online course, the best selling point was the results he got from running his agency. So people who saw his work from his agency might want to learn more and sign up for his course, and vice versa.

Market your business on a platform that has leverage. Leverage means that the more you post, the more likely people will watch more and more of your videos in succession. The best platform for this is YouTube. I suggest using YouTube first, and cutting the clips into small chunks to be placed on all other platforms.

How to start a business just like this one

1. First you need to learn how to become a copywriter. There are plenty of free courses online you can use to help you be good enough to get your first client. I have linked a couple of YouTube videos below.

2. Next you need to find your first client. I suggest using a couple of different methods.

Cold emailing. Click here for some email templates
Cold DMing on Instagram. Click here for some templates
Create a Fiverr account and market your services.
Create an Upwork account and market your services.

3. You will also need to create a website where you can showcase your services and results to potential clients. You can do this with a website called Wix.com.

4. Once you get success with your clients, you would want to sell an online course teaching your knowledge. You can use two different websites for your online course, Kajabi or Teachable.

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

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- Zach