❤️How he "rizzed" his way to $1 million

This is the guy your girl tells you not to worry about.

How this guy used his “rizz” to start a $1 million business.

“First they laugh. Then they talk. Then they envy.”

- Max Tornow Founder of “The Natural”


It’s Zach and I’m back! Make sure you put your best-looking swimsuit on today because we are taking a deep dive into Max Tornow, an online dating coach who made millions helping men get better with women.

And in 10 minutes or less, you’re going to learn:

✔️How Max turned his greatest insecurity into his greatest strength

✔️How he used networking to exponentially increase his business

✔️How he used leverage to build multiple businesses at the same time

You may have never heard of Max, but he is known as a God in the dating scene. Here are some of his highlights:

Max started a seminar where he would go with men in person and help them with women. His first couple of seminars brought in over 150 guys.

He was noticed by a large dating company, and offered to travel the world and to teach men how to pick up women in person.

He then created “The Natural”, an online course that brought him over $1 million in just 5 months.

Now this is some CEO sh*t right here.

Getting paid to pick up girls? Where do I sign up?

Unfortunately, I am not as smooth as Max with the ladies.

But the good news for me is that he didn’t start off as a millionaire Casanova.

1. From video games to having real game.

The best businesses come from people who solve their own problems.

This is because when someone has gone through the same pain that you have gone through, then they can truly understand your struggle and give practical advice.

So it’s a good thing that my boy Max had the same problem that most guys have in college.

He was TERRIBLE with girls.

Therefore, instead of trying, Max would stay home and play World of Warcraft.

It makes logical sense, and it’s what most guys do.

But Max had enough of feeling lonely one day.

He decided that he was going to say F**K it and start putting himself out there.

He was quoted saying:

if you're not going for it, you'll never get it. If you're not going for it, somebody else will. If you're not going for it, you'll end up lonely, tired, mad at yourself for bailing out... again.

So little by little Max was starting to get some traction with girls!

He got so excited that he started documenting his journey and telling his friends about it.

And he helped his friends pick up women with great success!

Talk about a true homie!

That is when the seed in his head was planted, and he realized that if he could help himself and his friend find love, he could help so many others do the same.

So he hosted a seminar that would bring together men across his city and turn them into future heart-breakers.

His first seminar was free, just to see if people would actually show up.

Only 7 people showed up.

But he did a seminar each month for the next 3 months, and his audience grew to over 100 people per seminar.

He started charging for access to his seminar, and he began making a couple of thousand dollars per seminar!

The three keys to Max’s business being successful:

1. He solved his own problem first, which was getting women.

2. He validated his business by testing the market and helping his friends get with women.

3. He offered his service for free at first, to gain some traction and build trust.


The best way to start a business is to look at some problems you have in your own life.

Once you solve it, you can then find people in a similar situation and see if you can solve their problem too.

Remember, your business must have a repeatable result to be valuable. If you can only help yourself and not others, it might not be a valid business model.

The problem your business solves doesn’t just have to be about money. There are 4 keys to life that people want:

1. Wealth

2. Health

3. Love

4. Happiness

Start a business that can help people improve these areas in their lives.

2. Your network is your net worth.

Max was destroying the game with his seminars and truly changing lives for the better.

Then, he stumbled upon an opportunity that would pour gasoline on his business and make it EXPLODE.

(In a good way of course!)

Max was documenting his journey and his seminars online through YouTube.

And apparently, his boss wasn’t too happy with seeing him talk about picking up girls online.

So he was fired.

Living without the safety of a stable job made Max worry about his future, but he got a phone call 3 days later that would change his life forever.

It was Owen Cook, founder of the company RSD.

RSD stands for Real Social Dynamics, and they were a HUGE company that helped men become better in social situations.

Especially in the dating scene.

So Max was super excited to hear that they wanted him to be apart of the team.

But there was just one small problem…

They wanted to him to fly to Miami to work for them, for FREE.

Max states that at the time he barely had enough money to eat!

How the hell was he supposed to get to Miami?

But Max being the young wide eyed 22 year old entrepreneur that he was, he decided to take a risk and learn as much as he could about growing a business.

He vividly remembers having to sleep in the office that RSD gave him, and having to take a page from Donkey Kong and steal bananas to survive.

But quickly he began to bring more customers into the company, and he started doing tours around the world.

These in person tours were amazing for Max and his brand because:

1. He made a real connection with his audience because he saw them in person, and nothing beats that one-on-one connection.

2. He was able to funnel all of the people he met into his own YouTube channel, where he could then market his own products and build his own separate brand.

With all of the clout that he was getting, (he got over 10,000 YouTube subscribers in under 3 months🤯) he decided to launch a product that he could sell on his own, separate from the company he worked for.

And this is when he made the beaucoup bucks.

Max created a product called “The Natural”.

It was basically a comprehensive course that taught everything that he knew about growing your social life and being better with women.

And this bad boy sold $1,000,000 worth of courses in under 5 months!

Dang man what a flip!

From breaking into supermarkets to breaking the bank!

Drake would be so proud!


Don’t be afraid to network with an already successful team. That might be the catalyst for your success!

Online marketing is great when it comes to scaling your business, but nothing beats word of mouth marketing.

How do you get amazing word of mouth marketing?

You make sure your product is best product on the market.

So many people were talking about how Max’s tactics changed their lives, so when he launched his online course, he had a bunch of raving fans who would buy it in a heartbeat.

Never be afraid to take risks, but make sure that the risk you take is calculated. When Max took that risk to go to Miami, he already didn’t have any money. So he had nothing to lose. Why not take a risk and see where it takes you?

Starting a business should always be the end goal, but it can be good to work for someone else first, so you can understand the market you plan on getting into!

3. Success Inception.

So our boy Max was living lavish like a player on the Mavericks.

He had a successful YouTube channel, an online course, and a community of people who loved him.

And then he had a brilliant idea.

It was like he was playing 5D chess in his head.

He helped people get better with women and built a business around that.

But why not build a business that helps people build a business?

Now that is some serious business inception!

He knew that money is a problem that most people have in this world, so he tried solving that by starting a new venture.

This venture is called “Freedom Business Mentoring”.

This is another course that he created that helps people start a business by sharing their knowledge online.

And if you guys didn’t know, this is in my opinion the best way to start a business today.

The reasons why I love this business model are:

1. Its completely free! All you have to do is teach someone what you already know, and they will pay you for that knowledge!

2. There is no limit to how many people you can teach.

3. There is a limitless amount of skills you can teach!

If you guys want to see someone who makes over $1.2 million a year teaching people how to record music, click here.

And the best part about selling this new course is that he already had the skills of building an online audience.

So promoting this product was going to be easy like Sunday morning.

He started getting new clients, and once they got results, they would leave reviews and in turn that would help promote the course even more.

This model is an example of something I like to call the “Flywheel”.

Basically how the flywheel works is that you first attract your target audience.

That could be from any method you want, but Max decided to use social media.

Once you attract your ideal client, then you have to engage them with your content.

Then, if they love your content, they will turn into your customers.

And if your product is amazing (which it should be) you will then have people who love and appreciate you, and they will turn into your promoters.

And once you have enough promoters who love your product and will tell everyone about it, your growth will be on auto pilot!


Success breeds more success. When you win in one business or one field, its important to figure out how to leverage that into another win.

So never feel discouraged when trying to grow your business, remember all you need is one win and then the rest will be history.

When starting a business that helps a certain group of people, make sure that group of people have a lot of money to spend.

Max was able to charge way more for “Freedom Business Mentoring” then “The Natural” because the target audience had a lot more money.

Figure out a way to separate the amount of money you make from the amount of time you work.

Max started selling his course because he was so tired of traveling all day teaching his knowledge to people across the world.

Once he implemented this in his business, he was able to sit back and see the money come into his account.

5 Similar businesses to inspire you:

Click to check out their website!

1. Justin Welsh (Makes 1.7 million a year selling his online course about using Linkedin)

2. Mikkelsen Twins (Makes 1.4 million a year selling their online course about book publishing)

3. Matt Parr (Makes 1.2 million a year selling an online course about growing YouTube channels)

4. Neville Medhora (Makes 7 figures a year selling an online course about copywriting)

5. Matt Studert (Makes 6 figures a year selling an online course about Front End development)

🎮You just leveled up your mindset today!

What did you think of this week’s newsletter? Did you like it? Was it entertaining and informative? How can I do better? Hit reply to let me know!

Thank you for reading like always!

- Zach